Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Mrs. Sutherlandl: It has been years since I have seen your beautiful face. Since Gail and first met at CEGEP, you always opened your home to me; Gail and I yacking away in the 'room above the garage', and raiding the fridge. Gail, Mark, Ian and I playing board games. You had tragedies, yet kept your vivaciousness and your outgoing nature. Your children truly loved you and I know Mark had open arms for you in Heaven.
Gail, Ian, Alexis, Ashley: You were fortunate to have your Mum, Mum-in-law and Grandmother in your life. And likewise she was blessed to have you all in hers. Ours is but a short time together, but a togetherness that surmounts the humanness of our being.Lots of love, Cindy N in Ottawa.