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Kim posted a condolence
Monday, August 14, 2023
Dear family, I’m one of those people who read most obituaries. I enjoy reading about peoples lives. This obituary written by your dad is one of the best ones I have read. I started reading it in the good old actual print version paper then just had to get my iPad to finish reading it. My sincere sympathies to your family. It sounds like you’ll have wonderful memories of both your parents.
Bob Horne posted a condolence
Monday, August 14, 2023
Erin &Sean Helen &I offer our sincere condolences to you on the passing of our Dad & mother.
We have great memories of them through friendship and social get together at the wchbr fire fighters association social functions.
In sympathy
Bob & Helen Horne
Stephen & Corrie Pineau posted a condolence
Saturday, August 12, 2023
We would like to pass on our sincerest sympathies to the family of Mack & Mabel. They were very important people in the motorcycle community. They will be greatly missed. From Stephen & Corrie Pineau. Also from all of the members of the former GWRRA Chapter A PEI.
Frank Hartigan posted a condolence
Saturday, August 12, 2023
Condolances to Sean and Erin . Mack will be greatly missed. He and Mable are both looking down on us all and taking care of everyone .
Mack and I shared many a great time in our years at Prince Arthur .Nothing but positive memories!
Sandra Haycock posted a condolence
Thursday, August 10, 2023
My thoughts are with you as you grieve your parents’ passing. I met Mack when he taught me math in 1967 (?) at Tallahassee school. We remained correspondents since then and spoke regularly on the phone in the last couple of years and shared the sadness of widow and widower hood and the joyous memories of our long marriages and our adult children. He was an occasional curmudgeon who enjoyed debate. He appreciated hard work and service and lived both. He adored his wife and treasured his family. He will be missed by many. Certainly by me. Sandra (Muph) Haycock.
The family of J.R. "Mack" McMenemy uploaded a photo
Wednesday, August 9, 2023

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